Survey on Mammogram, Ultrasound, MRI, Spectroscopy, Biopsy for Detecting Tumor in Breast


  • Sivalakshmi.B Research intern, KEDSGROUPS Research and Development, Coimbatore. Department of Biomedical Engineering, SNS college of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India Author
  • Mahisha sri.K.B Research intern, KEDSGROUPS Research and Development, Coimbatore. Department of Biomedical Engineering, SNS college of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India Author
  • Swetha.P Research intern, KEDSGROUPS Research and Development, Coimbatore.Department of Biomedical Engineering, SNS college of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India Author



Mammogram, Ultrasound, MRI, Spectroscopy, Biopsy


Breast cancer is the most widely recognized disease among women more than 35 years. Studies have demonstrated that early recognition and appropriate therapy of breast cancer growth fundamentally increment the chance of endurance. They have additionally demonstrated that early recognition of little injuries helps anticipation and prompts a noteworthy decrease in mortality. Even though there are many diagnosing tests, we have taken five among them: mammogram, ultrasound, MRI, spectroscopy, and biopsy. X-ray images of the breast are known as mammograms. Specialists utilize a mammogram to search for early indications of breast cancer. Regular mammograms are the best tests to discover breast cancer early. When an issue or complication is found by a mammogram or physical test of the breast, we undergo ultrasound to identify the growth of a cyst filled with fluid or a solid tumor. Breast ultrasound isn't usually done to screen for breast cancer because it might miss some early indications of cancer. A breast MRI is used to screen for breast cancer growth in women thought to have a high danger of the disease. The doctor may propose an MRI scan when you are suspected to have breast cancer, and they determine how far the cancer has grown. In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) investigations of the breast estimate resonances from phosphorus particles. These calculations of variations in phospholipid metabolism are used for identification and diagnosing cancer and checking the feedback of treatment. A breast biopsy is a test that eliminates tissue or fluid from the suspicious area. Examination is done with the help of separated cells using a microscope to explore the existence of cancer. A biopsy is the diagnostic tool where it will discover the cancerous area. There are many papers about one equipment or comparison of two or three equipment. In this paper, we have collected all five equipment specifications, working, and parameters and came to the best diagnostic test among the five.


