The Welfare of The Family Through Management and Communication Patterns of Social Companion


  • Sandy Ariawan Assistant Professor, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN), Tarutung, 22411, North Sumatera, Indonesia Author
  • Betty Arli Sonti Pakpahan Assistant Professor, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN), Tarutung, 22411, North Sumatera, Indonesia Author
  • Mehamad Wijaya Tarigan Lecturer, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Abdi Sabda Medan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, 20228, North Sumatera, Indonesia Author
  • Muliani Zendrato Lecturer, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Lintas Budaya Batam, Kepulauan, 29444, Riau Island, Indonesia Author
  • Sarah Farneyanan Lecturer, Sekolah Tinggi Alkitab Ginosko Airmadidi, North Minahasa Regency, 233231, North Sulawesi, Indonesia Author
  • Rammen Andino Sinaga Postgraduate Student, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Tarutung, 22411, North Sumatera, Indonesia Author



Welfare, Management, Communication, Social Companion


Every human being needs communication as the right pattern to solve problems in every activity. Communication must be owned by every individual in order to portray a human being who is free and has the freedom to express opinions. The purpose of this study is to describe how social companions perform family ability improvement activities in the midst of obstacles in the activity. With a good and effective communication pattern in the family’s ability improvement activities should be used as a potential to overcome the problem, both existing obstacles are used as opportunities. Communication can increase the extrinsic motivation of the recipient of social assistance. The message is there and packaged in improving family capabilities. This research is qualitative research where research that is descriptive and tends to use analysis. Processes and meanings (subject perspectives) are highlighted in qualitative research. The researcher conducted interview activities to the Balige Subdistrict Social Companion at the Toba Regency Social Service office and participated in the implementation in Balige Subdistrict twice. Special findings from the companion side will be juxtaposed with the theories of social barriers as stated above, this is to see the extent of the obstacles that occur in communication that occur in the implementation of the Family Capability Improvement Meeting. A particular finding on the beneficiary side of social assistance is to see if communication by social escorts has been effective or successful. These communication patterns, whether it has had an impact in their daily activities and juxtaposed with effective communication theory.


