COVID-19 Impact on Education Sector: Measure and Strategies, Morocco as a case Study


  • Fatima Ezzahra Ech-Chorfy language and society, University Ibno Tofail, FLSH kénitra, Morocco Author



Covoid-19, Education Strategies and Measures, Impact Principles.


Starting from March of 2020, the explosion of the COVID-19 causes the global education system to close and forced it to alternatively opt for immediate online teaching practices. All nations are surrounded by a context where millions of students are no more in the classroom and the only left option is the off class teaching. The Moroccan education system is one example among many others. On its turn it, switched right away to procedures and decision required by such urgent situation of confinement. This paper focuses on a case of Moroccan national education system. Different strategies are presented to summarise the current online teaching experience in Morocco. The study concludes with eight impact principles for online education: (a) high relevance between online teaching design and student learning, (b) prior planning of online teaching contents, (c) adequate assistance and psychological support to students, (d) reduced fear, pressure, and confusion creates a suitable online learning environment (e) high participation improves student engagement and online learning outcomes, (f) support and supply technologically-based education resources, (g) equip and train instructors with tools and techniques to using online education platforms, (h), design online emergency programs and plans to serve in unexpected situations. 


