Reading as a hobby: An Inventive approach for bringing in pleasure for reading


  • Dharinee Arvind Research Scholar, Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, Adayalampattu Phase II Campus, Chennai- 600095 Author
  • Dr.P. Harshini Dr.P. Harshini, Associate Professor, Department of English, Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, Adayalampattu Phase II Campus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, - 600095. Author



Reading skil, Joy and pleasure, Hobby, Remedy, Technique, Regular routine


This article aims to up-bringing of reading manner, not only to develop reading skill but also to indicate the importance that reading is also meant for joy and pleasure. Not all the books are meant for academic and research purpose. It also shows that there are some people who read for joy alone. Reading skills is the way to develop individual’s reading routine. Some ardent readers make it a routine for bringing of joy in them. It is also one’s own duty to make reading as a hobby. We find that there is some inventive way to make it as a hobby in individual’s personal life. Usage of some remedy and technique can fetch a path to make it as a regular routine.


