Analysis of Financial Performance stationery products Industries


  • Shalini D B. Com (PA)., PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore. India Author
  • Dr. S. Vijayalakshmi Head, Department of B. Com (PA), PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore. India. Author



Financial Performance Analysis, Profitability, Operating Ratios


Finance is the science of money as it is the lifeblood of business. Financial performance analysis acts as a communicating language of the overall financial health. It analyzes the cause and effect of the profitability and liquidity of the business. Financial statements are prepared for the purpose of presenting a periodical review, which has been widely used to represent the true statements of accounts. Ratio analysis is the widely used tool for financial analysis. Ratio analysis is the process of ascertaining the financial ratios that indicate the ongoing financial performance of a company. This study, 'Analysis Of Financial Performance Of Kokuyo Camlin Ltd.,' is vital as only earning profit is not sufficient; a business should earn enough profit to fulfill its cost of capital and create various surpluses to grow. This study helps to determine the liquidity and profitability of the firm. The study covers a period of five years, i.e., from 2015-2016 to 2019-2020.


