Positive impact of Covide-19 on Education


  • Saima Firdaus Mohammed Yaseen Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, S.P.H. MahilaCollege, Malegaon Camp Dist. Nashik, India Author
  • Smt. ShubhadaRamesh Joshi Associate Professor, Head Department of Mathematics, S.P.H. MahilaCollege , Malegaon Camp Dist. Nasik, India. Author




Covid-19, education, student, teachers, researchers


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all levels of educational systems worldwide, leading to the near-total closures of schools, universities, and colleges. There are so many negative impacts of COVID-19 on every sector in the world, and nowadays everyone is discussing and focusing on losses and drawbacks of COVID-19. We should bring ourselves out from this worst situation and be positive. This paper was prepared to show some positive impacts of the pandemic on education, students, teachers, researchers, and non-teaching staff of schools, colleges, and universities. The main purpose of this paper is to remove the feeling of loss from the minds of academicians, students, research scholars, and others. There are a number of positive impacts of COVID-19 on education, environment, human life, business, etc. This paper enlightens the people with the positive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on education. Because of the positivity, there is a reduction in depression and stress, as a result, one can be more energetic and ambitious. Positivity helps us grow and improve our health.



