Green Cloud Computing: Redefining the future of Cloud Computing


  • S Dharshika Department of Information Science and Engineering, R. V. College of Engineering, Karnataka, India. Author
  • Nagaraj G Cholli Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Engineering, R. V. College of Engineering, Karnataka, India. Author



Data centre, PV array, Nada, Virtualization, Green IT, e-waste, TCM (Temperature Control Mechanism), Thermal aware management, multi-Tenancy


The idea behind the word “Green Cloud Computing” is to minimize the energy consumed by the hardware that is used in the process of Cloud Computing. It not only achieves efficient processing but also utilizes the computing architecture and also minimizes energy consumption. This concept of going green ensures that growth of cloud computing in the future doesn't affect the environment on a big scale. There has been an enormous increase in energy consumption by data centres and other infrastructure. The aim of this paper is to call attention to some of the effective ways to attain Green Cloud Computing that include Virtualization, installing solar PV arrays and some energy-saving techniques. Despite its positive impacts, green cloud computing still faces challenges which are also discussed. This paper also concentrates on the solutions that can be opted for greener clouds.



