Big Data Analytics for Supply Chain Optimization: A Review of Methodologies and Applications


  • Shubham Agarwa Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI & DS), K J Somaiya Institute of Technology, Mumbai - 400022, India Author
  • Nishant Moghe Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI & DS), K J Somaiya Institute of Technology, Mumbai - 400022, India Author
  • , Vaishali Wadhe Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI & DS), K J Somaiya Institute of Technology, Mumbai - 400022, India Author



Big data, Supply Chain, Optimization, Analytics, Demand Forecasting, Optimized Logistics


Supply chain and its management play a critical role in determining how the business or the organization performs in the mentioned criteria. With the growth of Big Data Analytics (BDA), most institutions have started to utilize large amounts of data in the form of datasets, databases, and other sources from which data can be collected. This paper focuses on the topic of Supply Chain Optimization and the detailed process of how it can be achieved. The paper first traverses through the topic of Big Data and how it is utilized in Supply Chains and therefore looks at various ways in which data affects Supply Chain Management. Further in the paper we address the topic of how Big Data benefits the optimization of Supply Chains and what limitations exist in the implementation. Lastly, the paper covers the improvements that could be brought into the field, as well as the future scope of Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain Optimization.



