IEEE 802.15.4 Cluster Analysis with Different DRA & TDMA Wireless Models
IEEE 802154, WPAN, Power Model, DRA, TDMA, PDRAbstract
This paper presents the IEEE 802.15.4 clustered Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Sensor Network for different DRA (Dielectric Resonator Antennae) and TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) wireless Tx / Rx models. Implementing Non-beacon enabled mode in mobile and static Zigbee nodes in the WPAN network and then analyzing: throughput, delay, load, packets sent, packets received, packets dropped etc. proved that DRA model produces enhanced performance in IEEE 802.15.4 WPAN as compared to TDMA model both for mobile and static nodes in the WPAN sensor network. The major reason is less load generated and high PDR (Packet Drop Ratio) of TDMA which leads to a smaller number of packets received and low throughput whereas DRA Tx/Rx models provides very less PDR and high load and throughput in comparison. Also, it has been simulatively proved that TDMA models do works better for static Zigbee network then mobile Zigbee network but still not equivalent or close alternative of DRA models.

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