Autonomous Lawn Mower – A Comprehensive Review


  • Ritwik PK PG Student of MIT ADT University Pune, Maharashtra, India. Author
  • Nishigandha Patel Faculty of MIT ADT University Pune, Maharashtra, India Author



Autonomous lawn mower, Rapid improvements, Unique solutions, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learnin


Rapid improvements in autonomous technology have led to unique solutions in several industries, such as robotic lawnmowers. The latest autonomous lawn mower system technologies, operating processes, and applications are reviewed here. This study uses 50 carefully selected references to evaluate autonomous lawn mower evolution, including navigation algorithms, sensor technologies, energy efficiency, and environmental impact. Researchers and engineers use creative approaches to overcome obstacle detection, terrain adaptability, and safety restrictions. AI, ML, and IoT are used to anticipate autonomous lawn mower systems’ future. This paper synthesizes evidence to guide robotics and automation researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts to reveal autonomous lawnmowers’ social and environmental benefits. Autonomous systems boost lawn care efficiency, manpower, and sustainability. This paper summarises the position and offers future research and development to further autonomous lawn mower technology


